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Juan went back down the stairs and over to Raven, as standing by the lockers One of them was secured with a combination padlock

“There’s so valuable in here”

“Let’s take a look”

Juan retrieved the portable bolt cutter that Eddie carried It took several tries to cut through the heavy lock, but it finally came loose

The locker opened, revealing that it was full froe aluminum boxes

Juan removed one of them and unlatched its clasp It was crammed with smaller packs of plastic containers He lifted the lid on one

The pack contained a dozen vials like those used in hospitals for dispensing intravenous drugs Each vial was carefully snugged in a protective c


He plucked one of the vials from the container It held ten cc’s of a clear liquid The vial was marked “Serum NVL” Juan remembered the same letters from the Roman amphora he tried to recover from the buried Salacia Nux viridi lucus was the cure they had discovered for their own paralytic agent two thousand years ago

“The antidote,” Raven said She turned to Eddie “We got it”

He gave her a thumbs-up

“Looks like we did,” Juan said “We’ll need about sixty of these packs”

“These boxes are too bulky to carry”

“Let’s start loading the, they should be able to survive so”

Juan keyed his mic