Page 19 (1/2)
“Where’d you snag those?” Eddie asked as he got out
“A couple of teenagers decided tothem to me at a steep markup,” Linc answered “Noe don’t have to wait in line”
“You’re full of good ideas”
“Full of soet in touch with the Senators’ families?”
Eddie shook his head “They put their phones in a locker Understandable in a waterpark”
According to their intel, Senator Gunther Schmidt of Iowa and Senator Maria Muñoz froe son Kyle were enjoying the free day at Ocean Land with Oliver Muñoz and his fifteen-year-old daughter, Elena
“Hoe find the place”
“We may have to let Sinduk lead us to them”
They walked to the entrance next to a family so they wouldn’t be conspicuous Sinduk and his s frequently, but Eddie and Linc studiously kept their eyes off their target The terrorists took Raven through the bag check and metal detectors without incident
Before Eddie went through security with Linc, he briefly looked out to sea A fishing boat was the only vessel he saw, but he knew the Oregon was hiding on the back side of the island, which felt reassuring He hadn’t seen the ship since a walk-through when it was still being built in the dry dock, so he’d never gotten a full view of it He was eager to finish this et properly acquainted with his new home
First, however, his teah the rest of the afternoon, and they had to do it unarmed
He and Linc scanned their wristbands in the security line and entered the park, staying at least thirty feet behind Raven and Sinduk MacD was nowhere to be seen
“MacD, you there?” Eddie said into his molar mic
“Ah have eyes on you and Raven,” MacD replied “Just let me knohen to move”
“Will do”