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He rapped on the glass with his LSU class ring, and, within seconds, a figure threw itself into the pilot seat and a light flipped on, revealing Eddie Seng He had a bruise near his te He quickly reached a piece of paper from a stack next to his control panel and held it up for MacD to read

Lawless blew out his breath when he sahat Eddie had written and scrambled to the surface as fast as he could

The instant his face cleared the water he shouted, “Mark, stop!”

He heaved hi hull in one powerful lunge Lawless saw Mark kneeling over the air lock hatch, his bands poised to crack the seal “Don’t open it”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s fully pressurized, and, if you do, not only will it blow the hatch into your skull but it’ll turn Mike Trono into a meat bomb”

Murph carefully pulled his hands away fro wheel and let out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding “What about Juan?”

“No idea Eddie just held up a note saying Mike is in the air lock It’s got to be pumped up to about two hundred psi”

“Hold on” Mark leapt back over to the RHIB and grabbed another piece of electronics he’d taken froth of wire from the device and handed its end to Lawless

“There’s a communications port directly above the auxiliary electrical port Both are near the large external air intake port Can’t rin and shoved MacD in the chest so that he tumbled back into the water

MacD gave him a scowl and duck-dove with the cable in his hand He surfaced thirty seconds later and shoved the swio”


“Eddie, can you hear me? It’s Murph”

“Never been so glad to hear your voice,” Eddie responded “You got the e?”

“Yeah What’s Mike doing in the air lock? And where’s the Chairman?”