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"Sir, I did nothing but the job I was appointed to do," Duncan replied resolutely

"China is a e for the future of the American economy, and you jeopardized the close relationship I have worked to build between our two countries The future of the United States lies in a universal world-trading systeoal"

"But not, Mr President," said Sandecker with his usual testiness, "if it rants"

"You people are not foreign-policy experts, nor are you economists," Wallace said coldly "Your business, Duncan, is to properly conduct iration procedures And yours, Admiral, is to conduct ocean-science projects Neither of you were appointed to run amok"

Sandecker shrugged and then dropped his boineers are not in the business of executing criminals, but-"

"What was that you said?" Wallace de?"

With feigned innocence Sandecker replied "No one briefed you?"

"Briefed me on what?"

"The unfortunate accident that took the life of Qin Shang"

"He's dead?" Wallace gasped

Sandecker nodded solemnly "Yes, he suffered a temporary fit of insanity and attacked my special projects director on the wreck of the Princess Dou Wan, who in self-defense was forced to kill Qin Shang"

Wallace was stunned "Do you have any idea of what you've done?"

"If ever a monster deserved to be ter And I ht add that I'm proud it was my people ere responsible"

Before the President could censure the admiral, Peter Harper jumped into the debate "I received a report froovern Their plan was to appropriate Qin Shang Mariti line, China Marine There is no reason to believe they will curtail illegal s they won't be able to operate as efficiently or on the sae"

"You entlemen," said Pecorelli diplomatically, "the President has policies to protect and interests to defend no ht seem"