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A sick feeling began to spread in the pit of Zhu Kwan's stoo?"
"He her said that General Hui told him the nuhai were filled with personal furnishings and clothes of high-ranking Nationalist Chinese officials andmainland China ahead of the Communists"
A wave of great relief settled over Zhu Kwan The secret appeared safe "Then it seereat treasure are not true There was no cargo of great value on board the
Princess Dou Wan"
"Perhaps so that would excite a professional salvage hunter The only artifacts that will ever be retrieved will probably surface in the hands of local sport divers"
"Have you given out this information to anyone besides me?" asked Zhu Karily
"Not a soul," Perlmutter answered "You're the only one I knoho had any interest in the wreck"
"I would be grateful to you, St Julien, if you did not reveal your discovery At least not for the next few months"
"From this moment on, I promise not to disclose a word"
"Also, as a personal favor-"
"You have but to name it"
"Please do not fax Gallagher's report I think it would be better if you sent it by private courier I will, of course, take care of any expense"
"Whatever you wish," said Perlreeably "I'll hire the services of a courier the minute I lay down the phone"
"Thank you, reat service Though the Princess Dou Wan is of no great historical or economic value, it has been a mosquito in my ear for many years"
"Believe nificant, captivate and consuotten until answers behind their disappearance are finally found"