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Twenty feet to the left of the door the passage ended in a tangled mass of old rusty ht and ca to a corridor that opened onto a series of rooe copper pots that had corroded over the decades until the once-bright reen

Pitt entered one of what had been the sugar cane cooking roo row of dusty s Below hi ter docks before stopping at a concrete barrier Broad doors on one end of the floor were spread open to acco backed down a slope by a diesel-electric locoe colors of the Louisiana & Southern Railroad

Next to the building near the railroad tracks, Pitt could see a parked pair of white stretch li with interest as the train rolled past

It becarants he'd just left were about to be loaded on the freight cars Acco knot in his sto docks wereall there was to see, he sat down below the , back to the wall, and considered the situation

Stopping the sriood would delaying the inevitable do? He uards before they recovered froes in that? There was al the departure, but there was a sli it to a standstill, at least for the next few hours

Pitt renum revolvers, the bowie knife and his steadfast old Colt The six-shot revolvers gave hirip on the Colt to hold a twelve-shot es, excellent for stopping power and producing extree in man and animal, but not efficient for what Pitt had in rain Silvertips, which were not as brutal on flesh but had better penetration He had twenty-four chances to stop the train's departure Only one lucky shot would do it The proble power, he oefully short in thedepartines and electric generators, shutting down all power to the drive wheels

Pitt sighed, rose to his knees, took the revolvers in both hands and co at the louvered sides of the locomotive


JULIA HAD NO IDEA of how long she had been unconscious The last thing she remembered was the soft face of a woman, a very beautiful woman, dressed in a red Oriental-silk sheath dress slit up the sides, tearing Julia's blouse from her shoulders As the haze lifted she becah her body She also discovered that her hands and feet were inthrough the bars of a gate, brutally pulling her ar the floor The chains orked tight and looped over the door,it impossible for her to move even fractionally

Only the cool, daave her relief fro in her veins She slowly caone and she was dressed in little else but her bra and panties

The woman, who l

ooked Eurasian, stared at Julia fros curled under her and sh Julia Her hair was shiny black and fell in a long cascade down her back Her shoulders were broad, her breasts nicely rounded, her sli with trim hips She woreBut it was her eyes that drew Julia's interest The scientific term was hetero-chromia One of her eyes was nearly black while the other was a light gray The effect was hypnotic

"Well?" she said sociably "Welcome back to reality"

"Who are you?"

"My naon Triad"