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Pitt could find no way to enter, certainly not froive up and swim back to the shantyboat when he spotted a small round portal embedded in the stone breakwater The portal was above the surface of the water but just below the planking on the wharf It was covered by an iron door that was secured by three dog levers Its purpose eluded hie pipe? Astamped by the manufacturer on the iron door cleared up the mystery
It was a chute that was used when the es The old wharf had been deher to accorants under the water without being visible on the surface The newer, raised wharf now sat a good foot over the early loading chute
The dog levers were badly rusted and probably hadn't been opened in eighty years But the bayou water did not have the salt content of the sea The corrosion was not deep Pitt gripped a dog lever with both hands, positioned his feet against the upper planks of the wharf and pulled doard
To his delight, the lever gave and moved an inch on the first try The next heave took it three inches; then it turned ainst its stop The second dog lever caht hi, Pitt rested for a ht too He had to put both feet against the breakwater and pull with every ounce of strength he had left
At last the iron door grudgingly squeaked open on its rusting hinges Pitt peered inside, but all he could see was darkness He turned and swa just before he reached the shantyboat's hull He called up softly "Al, are you there?"
His only response ca Curious, the hound strolled onto the wharf and sniffed through the cracks in the planking just above Pitt's head "Not you I want Giordino"
Ro his tail He stretched out his front paws, and lay down on the wharf and playfully tried to dig through the wooden planking
Inside the guard shack, Giordino turned every minute or two and stared at the shantyboat for an indication of Pitt's return Seeing Ro underneath ate and stopped by the dog "What are you sniffing at?" he asked
"Me!" Pitt whispered through the planking
"Jeez!"could talk"
Pitt stared up between the cracks in the planks "Where did you get the uniform?"
"The guard decided to take a nap, and charitable, benevolent fellow that I am, I offered to stand his watch"
"Even with my limited view I can tell it's a lousy fit"
"Youaway fro a two-day-whiskered chin to cover his lip ht Corporation, not Qin Shang Maritiure he went to school in either LA or San Francisco"