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"The Navy has been developing the 'robo ship' concept for ten years," explained Sandecker "Ship designers and engineers have already built an arsenal ship that is basically a floating missile pad able to launch as many as five hundred missiles by remote control from another ship, an aircraft or a facility thousands of miles away, a radical departure from present aircraft carriers that require a five-thousand-man crew It's the newest concept from the Navy since the nuclear ballistic missile submarine Totally contained warships and bomber aircraft are not far behind"

"Whatever Qin Shang has in mind for the United States," said Giordino, "it's not as a ine room to wheelhouse There are no missile launchers"

"I read your report," said Sandecker "You also found no indication that it would be used to srants"

"That's true," acknowledged Pitt "When Shang's operations are exaenius with a flair for sorcery, but tear away the veneer and you find a logical exercise He has a valid function for the ship, you can bet on it"

Sandecker pulled the throttle lever another notch and increased the speed of the whaleboat "So we're no closer to a solution than ere teeks ago"

"Except forintends to scuttle her," said Pitt

Sandecker looked dubious "Why scuttle a perfectly good ocean liner after he spenther?"

"I don't have an answer," Pitt admitted

"That's what I want you to find out Take care of your in out a NUMA jet to fly yourselves to Morgan City I'll call Rudi and tell hi"

"Now that we're working without an endorseencies, how far can we go with this thing?" Pitt asked

"Do whatever it takes without getting yourselves killed," responded Sandecker firmly "I'll be responsible and answer for your actions once Monroe and Harper get wise that we haven't stuood little boys"

Pitt studied Sandecker "Why are you doing this, Ad your job as head of NUMA to stop Qin Shang?"

The ad to go behind ht?"

Giordino shrugged "Yes, I guess you are"

"The instant Dirk played the cowardly lion and tio to a safe house, I knew da to the inevitable"