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"You areoffense "The piece is not fake, but a well-executed replica The original was lost in nineteen forty-eight during the hen the People's Ar Kai-shek" "The burner is still in China?"
"No, it was on a ship withthat were lost at sea" "The ship's final resting place is a mystery?" "A mystery I have worked o is my life's most passionate desire"
"It's been my experience that shipwrecks are never found until they want to be found"
"Very poetic," Qin Shang said, pausing to glance at his watch "I uests so I'll be brief before I have my security people escort you to the door Please tell me the purpose behind your uninvited presence"
"I thought the purpose was transparent," Pitt replied conversationally "Ms Lee and I wanted to "
"You're very succinct, Mr Pitt I appreciate that in an adversary But it is you ill be a casualty in the war"
"What war is that?"
"The economic war between the People's Republic of China and the United States A war for extraordinary power and wealth for the winner"
"I have no ambitions on that score"
"Ah, but I do That's the difference between us and between our countrymen Like most of the rabble in America, you lack determination and zeal"
Pitt shrugged his shoulders "If greed is your god, then you possess very little of true value"
"You think of er?"
Qin Shang asked pleasantly
"I've seen little of your lifestyle that persuades me otherwise"
"All the great oes hand in hand with power Contrary to public opinion, the world is not divided by good and evil, but between those who do and those who do not, the visionaries and the blind, the realists and the roood deeds and sentiment, Mr Pitt, but on achievement"