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Then he picked up a rehts glowed on opposite corners of the holographic chart

"By borrowing the globalsystem of hydrophones placed by the Navy around the oceans to track the Soviet subed to trace the source of the destructive sound waves to four different points in the Pacific Ocean" Yaeger paused to pass printed copies of the chart to everyone seated at the table "Nuest, appears to emanate froe of volcanic mountains that surfaces midway between Tasmania and New Zealand's South Island Number two is almost on a direct line toward the Ko Sea"

"That's a fair ways north," observed Sandecker

"Can't iain," said Gunn

"Then we head east across the sea to Kunghit Island, off British Columbia, Canada, for number three,"

Yaeger continued "The final source as traced by a data pattern from the hydrophones is on the Isla de Pascua, or Easter Island as it is better known"

"Making the shape of a trapezium," commented Gunn

Giordino straightened "A what?"

"Trapezium, a quadrilateral with no two sides that are parallel"

Pitt rose fro inside the three-dimensional chart of the ocean "A bit unusual for the acoustic sources to all steer "Are you sure of your data? There is noinformation from the hydrophone system correctly?"

Yaeger looked as though Pitt had stabbed him in the chest "Our statistical analysis takes into account the acoustic network receptions and the alternative ray paths due to ocean variations"

"I stand huy Then he asked, "Are the islands inhabited?"

Yaeger handed Pitt a sleaned the usual encyclopedia of data on the islands

Geology, fauna, inhabitants Gladiator Island is privately owned The other three are leased froovernments for mineral exploration These have to be considered forbidden zones"

" How can sound be propagated such great distances underwater?" inquired Giordino