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She had a feeling she kneho the idiot driver was
She stood there with her keys in her hand, chewing on her bottolanced at the Edwardses’ beautiful front lawn The ground was still soft from the winter thaw and all the rain they’d had lately, so it was insane to even consider it, but dammit, she had no choice
Lily gulped in a huge shaky breath, panicking when she heard Jake’s voice froers as she struggled to press the unlock button on the fob
She would do it She would drive across Steven’s lovely grass and to hell with the consequence She’d pay whatever it cost to fix the dae and hope they didn’t think she was a nut bar, which she was kinda acting like
bsp; Pushing her long, blond hair out of the way, Lily fingered her key fob and let rip another round of swearing as the da slipped out of her hands and landed underneath her car
“Oh My God”
She took a step back and peered beneath the vehicle The fob was just out of reach and Lily knew she was going to have to get on her knees to grab it On her knees In this dress
Her favorite J Mendel dress
Quickly she snuck a glance behind her and then got down to business—no, scratch that, she got down on all fours like a dog and had to lean way over in order to get to the stupid thing By the tiers closed around the small black fob, she was out of breath, pissed off, and her knees hurt like hell because they dug into the concrete
She inched her way backward and…
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to box you in”
His voice caht behind her and she was on all fours with her ass stuck in the air
Jesus H Christ
Her eyes squeezed shut She took a moment