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Page 40 (1/2)

“Depends on how you look at it, really,” Brant said, staring at the ring “Dae the farm and the house for that?”

Colt stared at Princess “She’s worth twice that amount”

“Maybe evenaround her

Colt tugged her forward, secured the ring on her third finger, and sealed their deal with a heated kiss, i his hands to her waist Brant stripped off his shirt and helped her do the same

Strolling in the office, Colt crooked his finger back and forth “My farer quit, so no one will bother us in here”

Princess followed him to the door and peered inside “There isn’t a lot of furniture,” she said shyly, noticing the only appointe desk in the center of the room and a leather sofa located in the corner

Colt rinned as she watched him

“What’s so funny?”

“Outside of the fact that we’re running around a barn without our clothes?” she asked

“Yes, besides that,” Colt said

“Well, to be honest with you, I just had a filthy ie”

“You did?” Colt asked

“Yes,” she told hi over the width of the desk

“What are you doing, sub?” Brant asked

“I’ control of this one situation, if