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“If you don’t behave, Lucy,” Luke said, “I’ll stick a dildo in your pussy when I put the ginger in your ass”

“You’re putting what in“Like hell!”

“We’ll see,” Luke sang

“But ginger has a burning component!”

“Really?” Luke’s sarcasm was thick “I didn’t know”

“Sub,” Rex said, his voice steady “You won’t deny us Ginger has been around since the Victorian era We’ve used it before, and believeto harm you?”


,” she whined, shaking her head “But I won’t like it I knoon’t”

“Do you want to use your safe word then?” Rex asked, sounding disappointed

Lucy thought about that for a second She couldn’t recall her safe word Had they ever established one in the past? She hadn’t had a safe ith Fred He’d forbidden it which should’ve been her first clue

He was a whack job

“It’s creaotten

“Crea to twist around so she could see him “After the Shetland pony?”

“My idea,” Luke said, swatting her ass a few tio, you loved the idea”

She moaned as the crop struck her rear “Make it burn, Luke,” she begged “Oh yes! Make it sting!”