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Harley cocked his head and narrowed his gaze “Draegan? Do you know so?”
“Tell them,” Bane said “Tell them why Markie stuck close to you for years, why he’s really been ‘part of your family’ and as ‘close as’ any brother”
“I don’t knohat you’re suggesting,” Draegan said, seely sincere
“Bullshit You know exactly what I’rabbed his jacket fro her to the door “I’ll walk Serena hoet back, everyone will knohat’s really going on here After the air is cleared, we can go from there”
“We don’t need the air cleared,” Allister said, crossing his arms “Like you said, ‘we’re brothers’ and as sure as I’ from the other one”
“That’s a fact,” Harley said, seely certain
“See at Bane’s hand on Serena’s arm “Why e hear from Vin Vance tomorrow afternoon?”
Serena had been wondering the sa
“Feds have been digging into the Vance family history Tomorrow is an anniversary of sorts”
“What kind of anniversary?” Draegan asked slowly, apparently prepared for the worst
“On April 9th, eight years ago, his stepmom was one on a killing spree every year since”
“And why is he walking around a free man?” Harley asked
“For the sa So tio and apparently all the Vance sons have been protected by soan “And you know all about those elite organizations Don’t you?”
Draegan went pale “I can guess what you’re thinking and you’re wrong”
“What’s he talking about, man?” Harley asked