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“Holy shit!” Harley ducked
Gabe was surprised Harley didn’t drop and roll An explosion rocked the earth and a shot of dark smoke darted above the trees as if it had been blown there on purpose
“Well, Gabe, here it is,point of the story where everything goes to hell”
Chapter Three
“If I thought thereat the end of this dirt-strewn rainbow, then I wouldn’t mind the hike but—”
Bradley cleared his throat and thrust his hand up in the air “As Heather’s brother, I have to ask What sort of illicit rewards are you talking about here?”
Justin looked perplexed “Sorry, dude”
“No proble these hills because you love my company”
“No, but I love your sister”
“That’s what I hear” He glanced at Curt “From both of you”
“What are you talking about?” Justin shot Curt a glare “What’s he talking about?”
“Thanks, bud,” Curt grumbled “This is exactly hoanted to spend my afternoon”
Bradley shrugged “I’ll keep the peace until it comes to Heather’s relationships and then all bets are off”
“I’ll say The Heather I knoouldn’t let her brother meddle in her business,” Curt said
“I’m serious”