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Allister took a deep breath “According to the person who called on Heather’s behalf, she’s been held against her will for nearly two months”

“Who told you this?” Bradley snapped the paper More a peacekeeper than a troubleainst the wall, he typically ca fast and low

“She placed a clothing order with an online boutique In the comments section, she added a note and your phone nu held She hasn’t been in touch with the outside world since she arrived there over two o She stressed that much to the boutique owner and pleaded for her help”

Bradley patted his pockets Allister handed over his cell “You left it behind this e cao The owner only checks orders before they go out and she said whoever processed the shipment apparently didn’t catch the note”

“Heather is on drugs,” Bradley reminded him “If she needs help, it’s money she’s after”

“How do you know?” Curt re “You don’t know if she’s on drugs or if she’s ever taken the first drug You haven’t seen her”

“She dropped out of school so she could work to support her partying habits,” Bradley said, seely certain “You think I’d make this shit up?”

Curt snatched the note and read the directions “Wait a minute I know this place” He looked up at Allister “This isn’t good”

“You knons it?” Draegan asked, peering down at the e, too He paled as soon as he saw it “Fuck me”

“Ah now, sugar” Markie returned in tirab a jab “Don’t be comin’ on to others in front of your one and only”

Best friends for an carried on with so all the time Allister rarely had the tolerance for it “Not now, Markie”

Draegan gave Markie a sideways glance “Remember Toms Vance?”

Markie thinned his lips He didn’t so much as whisper a response

“Well if that name shuts him up, I’d love to knohy,” Allister said

“Hadn’t heard anything about the Vance boys since high school” Markie ed his temple