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Page 67 (1/2)

“Shhh I’ to hurt you I want to explain, and I don’t want to wake anyone”

“And I’ to trust you not to kick in my ribs because?” he said The benefit of the doubt better not have hi up blood

Mike stood and backed off but there was a long pause before he said anything, during which Zeke got free of the sleeping bag and reached for a shirt He’d been sleeping on his own on the floor in one of the half-cohts he’d spent sleeping on the floor of the cabin he shared with Cadence

“Because I’,” Mike said finally

Zeke put his shirt on and added boots to the sweats he’d been sleeping in and followed Mike outside They walked a good ten ht before Mike spoke again

“I had cancer My colon Ten years ago Thought they got it all and I was clear for life, but I’ve got all the symptoms back”

“Sorry to hear that” Sorry he believed it Mike had blamed bad water for a sto and his pants were loose, extra holes drilled in his belt He was also first to leave the cae in his behavior

“I’ve been a Continuer since the beginning You just arrived Is it as bad as what Orrin and Spencer say out there?”

Ah shit This could be so for to make life harder for him “I can’t help you, Mike”

“I thought you ht say that We beat that into you Made you worry for Rosie’s safety I’ by Susan, so we’ve put you in the doghouse again”

“All of that is to help ht? To teachto ood little recruit he was

Mike took his battered Cattleman off and scratched his head “I used to think that’s e treated newco death in the face and I’ e’re so scared of anyone who thinks differently Why we try to hts to their daht with me” He put his hat back on and tipped the brirateful if you kept this little chat to yourself”

As Mike turned to leave, Zeke blew out a stream of air He didn’t like to think hie so bad “What do you really want to know?”

Mike stopped and about-faced “We can’t treat serious illnesses We can’t treatto work out if I should accept my fate or take a risk on the outside”

Mike wasleft to do This could still be a trap “I can help you, but I need so in return”