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He let go of hing to get air
My ainst the wall, and I knew it th to come down the stairs While I tried to recover, Spencer muscled past me and took her into his arms, one arm under hers for support
"Why were you two fighting? " she asked and started to slide down the wall "Why can't the two of you get along?"
I frowned Did she not realize that Spencer was choking me?
"Now look what you've done," Spencer growled at me "You've upset your mother Come, dear," he said to her, his voice all soft "Let ry"
"Why were you two fighting?" she asked again as he led her back up the stairs
"We weren't fighting, dear," Spencer said "I was showing her some self-defense moves they teach all the new female recruits with the police department"
"Liar!" I said and went to her side "Mom, let me take you to Aunt Diane's place, You should stay with her"
"Why would she want to do that?" Spencer said, frowning at me "She's my wife She stays with me"
"I'll just stay here," ot her to her bed, her voice so tired she sounded as if she was going to fall asleep while she was still speaking She rolled onto her side and that was it
"You're a monster," I said to Spencer when he left the bedrooe you with assault”
"Go ahead and try," he replied "I've told the police about you How you steal from your mother How you take herto believe, you or me?"
"You bastard," I said, barely able to speak I stormed out of the house, tears in my eyes, determined to talk to someone about my mother's safety
I couldn't go to Grahaain and use his left hand to do things, because his right arm was in a cast He couldn’t talk well because his jaired
Would the cops really not believe me?