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Slah Time 3) Claudy Conn 9190K 2023-08-28

Again, with Breslyn’s help they traveled to Charleston, South Carolina and purchased a beautiful houest quarters for Deireed to this scheo as he pleased

It was January Months after the tiun her work, but Breslyn played with memories and records so that this also was repaired

Trevor, in hustone ay of their pretty Charleston Garden home and waited as Jazz and Frankie looked it over Their mouths open with surprise and pleasure before they turned to one another and squealed

He grinned like a fool and thought, “yes Score one for me”

As Frankie went inside and found Dei offered to say, “M’lady, may I show you to your room?”

“Da, oh, da, isn’t this grand?”

Jazz turned to Trevor and said, “How did you do all this?”

He rubbed his thumb superiorly at his shoulder, “Not bad for a Fae unfamiliar with human ways, eh?” He was infused with so much love that he couldn’t hope to express it into words

“Trevor--carry me over the threshold,” Jazz whispered

“Aye, Breslyn told rinned like a boy and picked her up

“And Trevor,” she whispered sexily “Deiht to our bedroom”

“Aye,” he said on a husky note “Oh aye!”

So they began their lives together

But out there in the as Graely
