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“Noooo!” Frankie yelled Suddenly she was infused with her family’s past Her mind was flooded with ancient one Her fury and desire to get to her father and protect him, built up with her scream Her body filled with power all at once It was a power rew into maturity, but it came as a force and it came all at once
She shifted to her father and rubbed her fingers along his face “Da, da” A growl took over her voice She rubbed her hands along his Death Sword and whispered an ancient spell she had never heard before, then Frankie stood
Frankie’s gold lit auburn hair stood out straight all around her face She felt her body hairs stiffen with electricity She felt a ical ability she had to infuse those abilities with a super strength that would not be denied
Frankie reached out her hand and pointed at the hordes of Unseelie e as a tank went streah the fireball seeets and killed them
Jazz stared at Frankie for a irl solanced at her, but knew she couldn’t for long or she would soften and this neould be lost
She had theher father’s Sword and her own Fios fireball expanded by her Daoine blood She was going to use that power and end these creatures once and for all
She sent fireball after fireball at the them down by the hundreds
Fro, Aaibhe watched humans shoot iron bullets into the crowd of abominations She felt such a warm admiration for these brave humans They were mortal and risked all to stop and take aim
Then she saw Pestale
He was holding the Gorka pendant in his hand and directed the Gorka with it
She put up her hand and chanted, calling for the pendant to co against him and he saw the Queen
He pointed the pendant at the Gorka and gave it a target That target being Queen of the Seelie Fae, Aaibhe
The Gorka stopped in ed its course With a wild howl of fury it zeroed in on the Queen Its leathery wingssound in the air as it flew directly towards Aaibhe
Aaibhe knew she was in danger The Gorka was a viable threat even to her She would have to shift off, but the Gorka now had a target and would not easily give up She needed to keep Pestale in sight, for he was her target