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Frankie shifted, but did not go anywhere near Tir Palace or the Queen’s chamber
She shifted to the Highlands in the heart of the Grarounds She put her hand to the earth and softly asked, “Tell me”
“What do you think grass and dirt can tell you?” asked a beautifully accented voice at her back
Frankie ju around at the sahted herself she stared
Before her,about his exquisitely good looking face was a Dark Prince
He was naked to the waist and Frankie gulped She should shift She needed to leave immediately, but her curiosity made her stay
His shoulder carried a tattoo of a Celtic cross One bicep was banded with Celtic runes Down one arainst the forces of Dark Magic and Frankie took it all in
He was bold, yet she did not feel evil e only dark leather pants and sandals
She remembered him from the Dark Real behind Jazz This one was called Graely
So away
“I was not being sarcastic child I was interested What can the earth tell you?” he asked again
“Ye be Graely I remember ye from the Dark Realm,” she answered
He cocked his head “I am I mean you no harm You can shift away anytime you like”
“Are ye going to sound the alar to tell them I am here?” she asked warily She prepared herself to escape At the least sign of a Dark Fae, she would shift
“No, you are but a child Why would I do that?” he asked and took a step toward her