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Slah Time 3) Claudy Conn 27580K 2023-08-28

Jazz was riveted by his ethereal beauty, he see all in the sa on? What was he? She sensed more than just Fae…but what?

He reached the ground and drew in his wings to his back until they were nearly hidden Jazz decided that he had to be soel He was exquisite

He stood with his hands clasped together as he focused on Frankie He was staring at her, laughing and clapping his hands together like a young boy just given the most supreme present he had ever had

She wondered if he was a little bit tipsy As he was looking only at Frankie, all Jazz’s protective juices flowed Both girls juel, so that the newcomer could only address her

The winged Fae shook his beautiful head of white gold hair, and said in a voice that was heavily and sweetly accented by an ancient Danu dialect “No, no, you mustn’t fear me” He held out his hands “I aht it tiel spoke past her, directly to Frankie

“I ah, and Aaibhe said that she believes now is the time for us to meet—as she, like our Daoine Queen Mab is most wise” His smile ide and Jazz saw the joy in his eyes as he said, “Indeed, I once thought I was the last of my kind, but no more”

Jazz was struck silent by this infor entered her head or passed through her lips

She was stuck on the fact that he was a Fae ings

She had never heard of a Fae ings Not in all the Fios tales of the ‘old days’, had a Fae ings been ht he was the last of his kind Did that ht only the Pixies had wings This was extraordinary, but why shouldn’t he have wings? After all, she was standing in Faery, breathing Faery air, experiencing Faery tis Frankie eyed hioing right up to stand in front of him

In spite of Frankie’s warrior leathers, she dropped an old fashioned and very elegant curtsey Her face was solemn as she said in a quiet voice that sounded so much more than her years “I think I saw ye once…with lis then”

He laughed and squeezed his hands together as though he could not contain the infinite happiness he see “Queen Aaibhe explained ht I lost you—that you were human and that I lost you to huht here from the past when this Fios, now of Seelie blood, found you being ill treated” He hung his head suddenly as though reret “My child, I am sorry I did not know your parents had passed Had I known, I would have coreat deal and I have alanted as best for you Your mother never said you were Fios She never toldbut human, and I believed you were mortal like she Even so I wanted to be with you, but she said being raised ast your own kind—humans hat you needed She said I would only confuse you and that I had no place in your life I believed I was giving you what you needed; but even so I still carew and then time travel became next to impossible, for even the Daoine”

Jazz felt a tingling in her brain as now there was of course no doubt who this winged Fae was He was Frankie’s father

As she studied Frankie’s face she also knew the child was so completely brilliant Jazz saw at once that Frankie had known the moment she met him, just who he was

Frankie said simply in a hushed voice, “Ye are m’father, then?”

“I am,” he said proudly “You are the only child I have ever fathered and had I had my oay,” he spread out his hands as his voice trailed off “Your ns when you were young and did not wish to i out his hand “Cohter, allow me to show you Daoine and our home”