Page 36 (1/2)

They leaped out on the farthest shore, splashing and sending up showers The boat was deflated and stored in a cigar-box packet Then, standing on the rainy shore, they tried to light up a few smokes for the, they worked the inverted lighter and, cupping their hands, arettes that all too quickly were limp and beaten away from their lips by a sudden slap of rain

They walked on

"Wait just aahead"

"The Sun Dome?"


Sian to run "The Sun Dome!"

"Come back, Simmons!"

"The Sun Dome!"

Simmons vanished in the rain The others ran after him

They found hi, and they stopped and looked at him and what he had discovered

The rocket ship

It was lying where they had left it Somehow they had circled back and here they had started In the ruin of the ship green fungus was growing up out of the us took flower, the petals broke away in the rain, and the fungus died

"How did we do it?"

"An electrical storm must be nearby Threw our compasses off That explains it"

"You're right"