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Chapter One

Homeless Lucy

You’d think working with ani I’ve been working with animals nearly all my life and let me tell you they can be just as hbor of yours who starts blasting loud ht when you’ve just found that comfy spot in bed

I’m Lucy by the way Lucy Priestly I work as a receptionist at the Waterville vet clinic and thewhat to have for lunch and that just isn’t enough et out of bed

The alar the rest of ly I co in bed today, damn it!

Foot on the floor

Betrayed by my own body

I’e person whichin your face As it is I have to stand on a stool to be able to look in my bathroom mirror

I’ht blue hair; but that’s an artificial contrivance; it’s the only thing I’ht brown eyes with just a slasses My sharp chin gets a tiny di nose is my worst feature and it doesn’t help that it’s scattered with freckles

I’ my teeth when someone tries to breakdown my door

It’s jackass from next door

“You need to get out,” he says He’s tall, lanky and his face is obscured by a beard I’ve never seen him up so early inin”

Did I mention he’s also my landlord?

“I paid this months’ rent,” I protest