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Out of nowhere, I’m overcome with emotion My baby
Heback the tears
His hand glides over the swell of h his expression His jaw tightens, and his dark brows pull in, but he says nothing Instead, he ss deeply as if he can’t find the words to describe how he feels
“She’s a girl,” I say
“You’ve had a fetal ultrasound?”
“No, there’s been no tiirl You know, maternal instincts”
He looks up and smiles “You knoe have an ultrasound machine here in the clinic”
He leans down and places a kiss on the baby buainst my skin, but it is so much more than that It tells me how invested he is in this Doc looks up and s into his cheeks
“How about touy?” he asks
“Little guy?” I playfully question
He grins “Paternal instinct”
That night, I barely sleep, kept awake by a swar my baby Like a kid on Christ for a few hours before I wake up with the dawn
Doc is out cold next to me, his body heavy with sleep