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Page 34 (1/2)

Her hands find mine, and this time, I don’t pull away

“I’m so sorry, Doc”

“Don’t be I’m where I ah a lot of them were questionable, I like my life”

“I like my life too”

The moment suddenly turns intimate

I stand because I’ her But instead, I turn away, “I’ll check on Odin”

In full escape mode, I walk out of the kitchen

Not because I’es

But becauseso much more


“Doc, Doc… wake up”

Lily shakeshtly disorientated So back to check on Odin, I must have fallen asleep

“Yes, everything’s fine” She smiles, and it’s beautiful “I just wanted to show you so”

Yawning, I stretch and attempt to rub out yet another kink in my neck “Shohat?”

She straightens and crosses the room to the door “Come on… you won’t believe what I’ve found”

“Where are we going,” I ask, following her

She leads me down the hallway toward the room with the locked door

“I tried this door yesterday It’s locked”

She holds up a key “There’s a bunch of keys I found them in a box in the kitchen”

She unlocks the door, and I follow her into the weirdest-looking hotel room I’ve ever seen It’s almost empty, except for a messy bed and a busted lah a lass

I stare in awe as a billion stars twinkle down on us in the darkness

“What is this place?” I ask,