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“A, yes! That’s it…”

I cli so hard and so deep inside her I al her body Holding my eyes prisoner in her own sapphire blue orbs, while she srunted and rode me past the point of completion

She collapsed forhen she was done, leaving us chest to chest, face to face Her blonde hair crashed doard, enveloping our heads in a waterfall of golden curls that surrounded us on all sides

“I love you,” she smiled, and kissed me


Yes, our fiancé definitely had a probles we lovedMotivated Totally unstoppable, once she set her

So just long enough to look at each other

“Ryan’s home,” I said, matter-of-factly

Sarinned back at me mischievously She raised one eyebrow

“Want hed

She bit her lip as if considering the question, but we both knew better than that




I found her upstairs in bed, exactly where Kyle said she was As always, Sa Especially with her in it