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“Mht there…”

I twisted doith the heel of ht amount of pressure Saly naked She squirlided over the warm surface of her well-oiled body

“You’re the absolute best at this,” she groaned into her pillow “You know that?”

I laughed, ht circles with my thumbs “I’ll bet you say that to all the boys”

She turned her head sideways, her golden hair falling over her perfect face “It would definitely be in ht now I’—” She sucked in a sharp breath “Ooohhh Yes!”

I listened to her ht now I’ the truth…”

It was always hot, ad her body Especially prone like this, every last curve laid out at nificent ass She had aI was an asselse


I applied more oil, then more pressure She jumped at both

“Oh my God, Kyle…”

It was truly a her froly endless sea of imperfect candidates, for our over-the-top, borderline crazy arrangement

And yet the arrange string of failed relationships Duties, extended tours, sudden deploys were a way of life for anyone in the armed forces They put a strain on even the best relationships, even the strongest of es

But for Ar to deal with

Sharing a single partner — rather than the four of us trying to keep four woh to work But it would have to be a special kind of woman So shared without jealousy, sorow to love four people equally, and receive their love too

“My ass again?” Saled “You’re back there already?”