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I couldn’t believe they were actually serious! I leaned back on the bed, spreading myself before them Intentionally I let the torapped aroundmy bikini…

“You sure you don’t want dessert first?” I winked “Din

ner afterward?”

Dakota stood fir

“C’mon,” I purred “I’ether” I patted the spots on either side of me “Those are the rules”

Dakota shook his head in disbelief Ryan just laughed and looked away

“Really? Those are the rules?”

I ser sexily into one corner of my mouth “Uh huh”

Kyle ain, and this ti flush with excitement as they crawled up on either side of me

“You’re fighting dirty,” lamented Dakota “You know that?”

I blew hi on the inside “C’et to eat dessert before dinner?”

He didn’t answer, so I stretched out, cat-like, across the bed My blonde hair flowed down either side of s

Ryan folded under the pressure, stepping forward Jason and Kyle were already kissing either side offor my body

“I pro a hopeful eyebrow Iertips traced their way up the insides of hs…
