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Brody dropped sona Only thinner And more watery And more—

“It’s gonna taste better than it looks,” he announced, without a hint of shame “Trust me”

We sat down, all four of us, at the exact sae it by looking up at each other

“Here’s to another year of being aweso up his bottle

“Me, right?” Donovan toasted “You’re talking about me?”

“He’s talking about lass Brody clinked it froh that everyone winced

We toasted We drank I grabbedit across my lap

“In the spirit of the new year,” said Lincoln, “I have a gift for everyone”

We’d already set down our drinks Now Brody stopped sawing the lasagna mid-cut

“We did gifts last week,” said Donovan “And as usual you upstaged us There’s no reason to—”


Lincoln slapped so three of us staring down in confusion… at another key

“What the—”

“This key doesn’t open anything,” said Lincoln “Yet”

He was right The key had no teeth It wasn’t even cut