Page 99 (1/2)

Breathe, Holly Breathe

I lay there motionless, one lover buried coht up the ass Two eous About to double-penetrate me for the first, and probably not even close to the last, time


I laughed, nervously “What do you wanna hear?”

“That you’re ready for us,” Lincoln breathed “That you’ve always drea to happen”

“Oh yeah,” I chuckled “Every girl’s dream”

I joked, but in a way it was though Every friend I ever knew had secretly ad it out

I felt a gentle pressure, then a push Re for hi him in…

“Easy,” Lincoln instructed, as I felt o even wider “Don’t tense up”

The head slipped in, and my whole body jolted Donovan held

“Feel good?”

My legs trembled as Lincoln pushed in another inch Then two Then even , but eventually the discohed by a pleasant, familiar fullness After all, I’d been fucked in the ass before Just never… never with someone else inside me…

“Oh …” I heard Donovan say “Oh ht like this”

I gasped again, and all of sudden the worst was over He was in I could feel his body firainst Lincoln’s shs

“Here,” Brody said, taking the hat off my head He put it on Lincoln “He’s Santa now”