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“Yes,” I went on “Yes it is”

Holly’s lips were pouty now, and it only made her prettier But there were lines on her forehead too Worry lines that weren’t there before

“In giving ourselves to you, individually and together, we’ve s for us And that’s not fair Because if you’re looking to make a choice, how can possibly—”

She shushed , even as I stayed helplessly locked in her eyes

“I’ to choose,” she said simply “I love you all If anyone’s been selfish here, it’s me I’m the one who hasn’t been fair…” Her voice cracked as she finally looked away “But Donovan, I can’t choose! I don’t knohat to do! I ca it would be fun and easy, but that eventually one or more of us just wouldn’t click Only we all click We all click together so damned well…”

She was beco I wanted I had to shift gears

“Look, I just needed you to kno I feel,” I sether, as a threesohter against otta say, this right here is shaping up nicely”

Her eyes were glassy, but she wasn’t crying If anything, they were bri with tears of happiness

“Thanks,” she said, squirot a kickass personal trainer”

“He ly

“He does,” she grinned, her own hands noandering I juers closed over the crotch of my jeans “But sometimes I work him out too”



It was late by the time we’d finished dinner, and dessert, and second dessert It seemed that either Lincoln had a sweet tooth, or those responsible for stocking his cabinets did

When ere finished we retired to the living rooer than ever It was so warer accumulated snow Whatever flakes landed on the outside panes quickly melted