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I turned and she was staring at me, her eyes liquid fire They shined with new life in the orange, flickering light

“You okay?”

I nodded and setaway, about to play strip poker in front of a roaring fire with irlfriend What could possibly not be okay?

“You look… far away”

“Sorry,” I said “I was thinking of stupid crap Of the problems back at my apartment”

It was a lie, but I didn’t want to tell her the truth: that I was scared Worried that though she loved me, in the end she wouldn’t be in love with me

Frightened that maybe she wouldn’t pick me

“You’re not thinking of Andrea, are you?”

I wasn’t God, hoasn’t!

“Look, I know it sucks, not having a place to go back to,” said Holly “This lunatic isit so that you can’t even feel comfortable in your own home”

That et out of there Even without Andrea — asn’t leaving anyti the same space It was okay, but it wasn’t ideal

“I still want you to stay withup to me The wine on her breath smelled delicious I could tell she was pleasantly tipsy “I love having you inyou inside me…”

Her hand went to htful squeeze As I stiffened in her hand, Holly grinned wickedly

“I love you Brody,” she said, and then kissed me “Every last bit of you”
