Page 79 (1/2)

The shadows of the parking garage reue stirring

I walked backwards for a good half block,followed Eventually I picked out a small cafe, ducked inside, and slipped into the first eood fiveas dozens upon dozens of people walked by


When I glanced up, a shaggy-haired waiter was staring down at me pleasantly His smile put me somewhat at ease

“Did you need anything to drink?”

“N—No,” I said, starting to get up “I was just…”

A ruff and deter in every direction, as if he were on a mission

Was that him?

Then again, the next man looked pretty much the same So did some of the wo with that swiveled-headed gait, that skyscraper-gazing awe, you only saw in New York City

Shit, I’d done the saot here

“On second thought, you knohat?” I told the waiter, “I will have a drink”

The man’s smile returned He pulled out his little pad as I plopped back into my seat

“Make it a double, actually”
