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“Patricia,” he said, “is no longer a part of er welcome to my car I mean… your car”

I whirled on hi My expression could best be described as a sneer of contempt

“I’er in your life!” I snarled

“I know, but—”

“You think I want hed “After you took it the way you did? After you just gave it away to your latest girlfriend?”

“I— I was only—”

“What happened Malcolm? She smashed it up?”

“Twice,” he cried pleadingly “Oh Holly, you have no idea what I’ve been through! It’s been a night to cost me, when I have to turn in the lease”

I could see he was frazzled Chewed up around the edges Malcol on had been particularly rough on him

“You’ve been taking the bus and the subway anyway, right?” he reasoned “So just take the car Finish out the lease I’ll even split the daes with you, e finally—”

I picked up the keychain and threw it as hard as I could It sailed across the ht or ten cubicles away

“Holly!” he cried, wagging a finger “That’s… that’s immature”

“You’re lucky I can’t throw you across the office like that,” I growled “Very lucky”

But my boyfriends can…

Just the idea of it made me smile I started to picture it in my mind’s eye…