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I would’ve done her right there in the elevator — just like in books and movies But I knew for a fact that the elevator had an alar alar from what I wanted to do to her

“I don’t knoho’s hoet them to leave”

Holly kissed her way down, to nibble at ue sensually over ht side of my body had the shivers

“Fuck it,” I groaned “I’ll pay them to leave I’ll—”

The elevator stopped I pushed Holly giggling down the hall, hands on her hips, fu for the keys in my front pocket But as I reached the door to my shared loft, it opened automatically

“Oh… hey!”

My smile faded quickly Sayid’s face told


“What is it?” I asked, shiftingcommon area looked empty “Is she here?”

“No,” my roommate said “But she was”

I pushed past hi rooh the doorway to my bedroom, which for some reason ide open

The place was a total wreck Broken glass littered the floor Clothes were strewn everywhere And my bed…


“We tried to stop her,” Sayid ot here”

My bed had several long gashes down the er had raked its claws across it Memory foam was all over the surface, pulled out and shredded