Page 53 (1/2)

“Shit,” Holly gasped “Then this is on me I’m the one who fucked up I— I must’ve…”

“Sent theboyfriend?” asked Brody

Her chin sank to her chest “Yeah Sorry”

Brody sighed in disappointive hiood shape, like he could take care of business if it came down to it

He sort of reminded me of myself

“Well shit, that sucks,” Brody sighed, reaching for his coat “I just figured you were invitingan extra date”

He slipped an ar more water on the floor Holly looked crushed

“You just got here,” she said apologetically “Did you want to warm up a bit first? Dry off before—”

“Before I go back out into that,” the kid laughed, pointing out the“What’s the difference?”

“I guess there is none”

She looked utterlyaway I realized it wasn’t because she wanted to be with Brody, it was because she felt responsible for hih what happened had been her mistake

“Gonna hit the bathroo down the hall “When it rains like this the subway ”

He wandered away, leaving Holly staring back at eous, even with pity in her eyes I let out a long, resigned sigh

“Want me to tell him to stay?”

Her whole face lit up She bit her lower lip and clapped her hands together happily