Page 41 (1/2)

I spent the rest of theovermyself I really didn’t care But it wasn’t the loss of my beloved car that bothered me It wasn’t even Malcolm

It was the betrayal of having it given so freely to someone else

It took less than an hour for word to spread about what I’d done They didn’t say anything, but I could see their looks Feel their stares Old Holly would’ve been utterly hu up into a ball

New Holly — the one who’d just confronted her ex on the eighteen floor — couldn’t give a rat’s ass

“Holly, could you coet a second?”

My blood ran cold Ja his coffee, without waiting for an answer I couldn’t tell if he was angry or disappointed or any of those things

But it was never a good thing to be called into your bosses office

I waited five ive the illusion I’d been in theinside and closing the door behind me


Ja away He finished the sentence he orking on, then folded his hands in front of hi up at me

“How’s your day going, Holly?”

I suess”

He cocked his head He wasn’t buying it

My gaze dropped My shoulders slu

“Alright,” I sighed “My day sucks”