Page 34 (1/2)

“This is all yours?” asked Holly “The entire floor?”

“We shared it with another firm for a while,” I said “But yes It’s ours since last year, e expanded”

The place really was i exposure Floor to ceiling s on ht for most of the year And I was proud of the expansion Proud at having taken on so many new clients in such a short amount of time

I sighed as I reached the last folder With the perks of having this anized

“I can’t believe you started this place fro, Lincoln It really is”

I sany desk The entire office was illu It only hts look that much more spectacular

Holly strode through the door and into lanced up once more, totally lost in how pretty she was What the hell was I looking for, anyway?

“Can I help you find anything?”

“I— Uhh…” I blinked a few times to focus “I need last month’s financial records,” I said “I have the income and cash flow state so”

“The statees in equity?” Holly asked

I blinked at her in disbelief “Yes, actually That’s the one How in the world did you—”

“I work in accounting,” she smiled “Remember?”

Actually I did remember, it just slipped my mind There was a lot I already knew about my beautiful personal shopper And a lot more I wanted to know

“It’s probably up there,” I said, pointing to a high cabinet “Should be in a folder, I just forgot what color”

Without uest chairs away froan thuh the files