Page 32 (1/2)

“But the line—”

“Screw the line,” ”



Lincoln spoke briefly with the asped at the eclectic s that seelass la Ornate vases sat on Corinthian pedestals Mirrors of all shapes and sizes lay scattered across the walls: round mirrors, funhouseChrist out of Alice in Wonderland Yet even the chaos was just as cozy, just as romantic, as it was in the movie

We were led past crowds of laughing,at round tables until finally I knehere ere When the hostess pointed doard at our two empty seats, I was too stunned for words

“The Star Table,” the slender man announced proudly He laid doo comically oversized menus “Enjoy!”

Lincoln helddown I was still standing there, hands overin

“This… this is…”

“The table they sat at in the movie,” Lincoln smiled “Yes”

I glanced down at the little round table set against a tiny, unlit fireplace The positioning was the same The chairs were same It was unreal

“H—How did you—”

“I do work for the owner,” Lincoln explained “Three different cans so far — other restaurants, not this one I’ve also played racquetball with hih Too busy”

A patron bu hi my chair out

“Oh! Sorry!”