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That said,And lunch was just lunch Maybe I was reading tooother than work, one who’d hired me to remember two dozen birthdays and anniversaries Not to , gift-wrapping, and—


The sleek black Lexus was parked on the corner, as close toas the holiday traffic would allow The City was nuts this time of year Just a feeeks before Christ ere about to

“Hi Lincoln!”

I ht snow flurries that had popped up overnight It was ae here How it could be so unseasonably beautiful one day, and then freezing cold the next

My client greetedme into the back of the beautiful, four-door sedan The doors closed The noise of the City disappeared instantly, like someone had flipped a switch

“Te out his coat

“Perfect,” I smiled It really was Between the soft leather seats the war on the most comfortable ride I’d ever been in

“Thanks for doing this by the way,” Lincoln said “I realize you’re probably a-busy this time of year, especially on the weekend”

If only you knew… the little voice in my head chuckled

“Nonsense,” I grinned “I always have time for my favorite client”

Lincoln smirked “I’ll bet you say that to all the boys”


“Yes, well it’s appreciated,” said Lincoln “And I’m sorry I couldn’t pick you up earlier I’d planned on thecame up at the office and—”

“Lincoln it’s okay,” I smiled pleasantly “This is better actually I had, uh… a busy ”