Page 15 (1/2)

It was slightly ajar as he kicked it open, carrying me over the threshold and into seh a singleIt bathed everything in a blue-hued, spectral glow as Brody tossed me onto my own bed

Oh my God…

He stood at the edge for adown at me like some hard-won prize Then he dropped to his knees, rolled hs…

… and lowered his beautiful mouth into my warm, wet sex



Brody’s fingers traced lightly along the insides ofthe soft, sensitive skin as he devoured ue arm and wet, his lips full and pliant and perfectly manipulative

Oh fuck I’ve missed this…

It had been a long tione down on , but oal in mind

But not Brody He definitely had a goal

Holy… holy shit…

I was staring up at the ceiling, eyes crossed, s, ue slowly, sensually over my outer folds He stopped now and then to dip the tip inside, to taste and tease er as I rolled ers into his hair


Without realizing it I was pulling hiainst me Brody held fast as I shiftedhis face with my sex
