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I blushed, even though it was just the two of us “Thanks”

When it came to friends, Jocelyn was one of the better ones Cute, funny, level-headed… and tough New York tough The kind of tough I learned all about when I o, from my sheltered little town in Southern Texas

“Treat it like a date,” Jocelyn advised “You haven’t had one in a really long tiood one, anyway”

“You don’t think that would be unprofessional?”

“Do you really care?” Jocelyn smirked

I thought about it for a second “I care about losing him as a client”

She waved me away dismissively with one hand “Shop with hie If he flirts back, you know the drill And if not?” She shrugged “He’s gay”

I laughed so hard I alay!”

Jocelyn threw o have fun with him”



“C’mon, three more reps!”

I pushed hard, through the pain, feeling the burn in hs as the platfor press ht on each sidenumbers

“Two more…”

Except today, when I was doing it for the first time in months