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“So… I— I didn’t get it”

My lip quivered as I told hi admission, a shit end to a very shit day But I felt better in saying it Much better now that it was finally out

“Oh honey,” Malcol his hand over mine “That really stinks”

I took as much comfort as I could froht A the best job I’d even been working tons of extra hours for it, sitting atafter I should be

“They gave it to Louis,” I sniffed, choking back tears All the way here, I’d pro Louis…”

Malcolm nodded sympathetically It was all he could do — his er

“I—I mean, how the hell do you pick Louis, when he hasn’t even been—”

“Holly, stop”

I looked up at him as Malcolm squeezed my hand He handed me his napkin, which wasn’t exactly clean I dabbed the corners of reasy little diner was looking at me

“Please, give me your keychain”


I blinked rapidly, driving the tears away What could he possibly ith my—

Oh my God

My heart soared My whole body started to tingle Suddenly all that nasty business at work seemed inconsequential

He’s going to ask you to move in with him!

For the first ti al past my phone The screen was still shattered of course, from when I’d dropped it earlier in the day But none of that mattered now

Malcole keychain fro, outstretched hand

“I— I want you to know this ain to keep the tears at bay But they were tears of joy this ti all that hard “Especially after the day I’ve had,” I sighed “Especially after—”

I watched anxiously, waiting for hi there three out of four nights a week, anyway It only ether

Thank God

After nearly two years of dating, of living alone in the concrete jungle of New York City, I’d finally have someone to come home to And to think of all the rentin half with Malcolal, I’d still be co out ahead each month Shit, this was even better than a raise