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Snowed In Krista Wolf 7460K 2023-08-28

Sex was so about Either my past boyfriends complained I wanted too much of it, or the more insecure ones resented uys who could keep up withSoone bad Because hey, a girl’s got needs

Nothing ever worked out for uys, and they very often wanted to be the ones in charge They wanted to initiate They wanted to decide when and where, and any deviation froos

But four guys…

I letslit I’d been horny since last night Horny since I’d showered and climbed into bed, to read this stupid ad one more time (five more times?) before bed

Four guys Four ile

Leave it alone, Sammara

The appeal was more than just physical too Not only would they take care oflovers to protect and care for me

And me them…

I closed er inside The pressure was delicious It felt warm and silky and oh so totally hot


My phone buzzed Annoyed, I kicked it aith one heel and spread ain…


Sighing, I reached out to silence the intrusion It would take only a second to turn it off A second to get back to—

There was as e on the screen, from a number I didn’t know It took me only a second to realize who it was: