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Snowed In Krista Wolf 11640K 2023-08-28

She looked up at ?”

“Because it’s funny,” I said “Actually, it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard”

I dried her tears again, and this ti straight atsure she could see my expression

“Morgan, this is the kind of shit you see in movies,” I smirked “Only you actually did it It’s crazy! It’s nuts! But you knohat?” I leaned down and kissed her tenderly, right on her salty wet lips “It’s also adorable”

Her eyes shifted back and forth, exaure out how I could be this… forgiving?

No, forgiving wasn’t even the word There was nothing to forgive I couldn’t believe she’d done it, of course… but also, a big part of lad she did

“I was afraid I’d lose you,” she said “You most of all”

I cocked my head to one side “Why?”

“I don’t know,” she said, shaking her head “I—I guess I’ stupid”

“Morgan, you never asked how I got here”

She looked at ed There was intrigue there She looked stumped

“I came down after the avalanche,” I said

At first she looked like she didn’t believe me But then--

“You what?”

I nodded slowly “I caondola It was the last run of our last stop My last chance to say so to you, before ent back to school and you just becaain”