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“Then who are you?” I asked incredulously “Where’d you come from?”
He took off his ski hat and shook it out Matted to his head was the thickest mop of hair I’d even seen, all dark with sweat and exertion
“Y—Youhim by the shoulder
The big stranger removed Jeremy’s hand calmly and pushed it away “No”
“Then who the hell—”
“He’s one of us,” interrupted Shane “From the trip From the campus”
The newcomer nodded
“He’s a Greek too,” Shane went on I could see hih all the pre-prograuys always did, whenever they a maybe, or—”
“Alpha Rho”
I searched uy from any of our other stops Faith would, without a doubt He was too big and beautiful to miss
Right noever, I couldn’t think straight I was too cold, too hungry, too tired Not to uy’s arms
“Boone,” Jereers “You’re Boone Silva”
“I’ve heard of you! You were the guy who…” Jere, and his smile of triumph quickly faded “Well shit! If you’re stuck here too, that doesn’t help us at all!”