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Snowed In Krista Wolf 10010K 2023-08-28

Yeah, I supposed I did Carnally, anyway But still…


If Shane heardhis way through the snow

I thought it would get easier, honestly That as we got further down past the avalanche zone, the snow beneath our feet would becorow even deeper We were sinking more often, sometimes up to our waists Sometimes more

This is crazy! Maybe we should just stay put

The second guessing part was the worst — knowing that every decision you made from this point forward could be the one that ulti a plan part was the worst for ing it, or playing things by ear, I just wasn’t your girl

Maybe we should just—

Silently I pushed all other thoughts away I had faith in Shane He’d kept us alive last night, when the teh to freeze us solid So told me he had experience

And strength Don’t forget that

Minutes turned into hours, but the sky remained the same There was no visibility, no way for anyone to find us I had to wonder if anyone was even looking The entire day, we didn’t see or hear a single soul No voices on the wind No shouts, calling out for us

Exhaustion set in, and the day ca of the flat grey sky


Snow turned to sleet, which was transforh the existing accu rapidly impossible

Shane stopped, slapping his aresture of futility He looked utterly exasperated as he stared up at the sky