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“Because she—”

“It’s fine,” I said, spreadingunder control My eyes found Mr Druot it all covered”

“Not sure what the two of you are talking about,” said Mark, taking another bite of his candy bar “But hey, you know me — always ready to help”

“I don’t need help”

He shrugged “Really, I don’t mind”

“You have his number?” Mr Drumm asked

I looked at Mark, and a shiver of displeasure ran through me There were many reasons I didn’t like him I kept them all to myself, however

“Of course,” I said “I do, and I’ll use it if I need to” I leton my best false smile “And I appreciate the offer, too”

I waved goodbye tohow much of our conversation Mark already knew about He was a shop steward just as I was, only he’d been there a good two years longer than me I’d taken onthat ticked him off

“But I have seniority,” I’d overheard hi once, as I passed one of the s that led to the break roo her the best jobs”

“She gets a lot of the en — the foundry’s other partner — had replied without apology “And that’s because she moves fast and her work is clean”

Mark had frowned, and I’d gotten the hell out of there before one or both of thelass From that point on, Mark had only been false-friendly around me He’d smiled and acted cooperative whenever the bosses were around, but the rest of the tiressive and so

I left the building, vowing to forget about Mark and focus on the good news: I still had perht up with all the personal work I’d been putting off this past week, while trying to get ht after Drake I had a show to do I had work to finish

And dammit, it was the holiday season! For that reason alone, I needed to smile and be merry
