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Call it luck, call it fate, call it whatever the fuck you want
Point is, it’s ours now
And it’s nificent
There are iven ti in the service industry or as AI enforcers But we get tourists Not faet the outlaws Gunslingers passing through, fes who o home anymore because they had an accident with their defense systems… people like that In fact, the Draco Assassin Association had its headquarters here
So yeah We’re that kind of place
But it’s a helluva nice city with ALCOR in charge Afilled with parks, and buildings, and there’s even several rollercoasters
And every tiates and see this place… well, my heart just fills with happiness We all feel that way
Except for today
Because there is no we onbay and ease the Booty Hunter inside
Draden is dead Our bot, Ceres, blown up Even ht now and I have to concentrate so I don’t kill any of the dock workers floating around insidethe Booty to rest
And even though nian princess Corla herself, a princess Crux has been desperate to get his hands all over for the better part of two Akeelian decades, I just can’t make myself care
Draden is dead Ceres, blown up Booty is daed
I will join the ht
Crux and Tray wait for h Booty’s sideas I pull on my helmet, pressurize it, and wait for the door to open and the stairs to unfold